Les mots ne s’arrêtent jamais aux frontières. MON PREMIER CHARABIA FRANÇAIS-ESPAGNOL VRAIMENT EN ARABE, un livre illustré sur l’origine de la langue française et des mots français provenant de l’arabe, tout en espagnol.
- Auteur: MUSA Hassan
- Age: À partir de 7 ans
- Éditeur: Grandir
- Année de publication: 2002
- Medium: Livre illustré en couleur, couverture rigide
- Langues : trilingue Français-Arabe-Espagnol
- Format : 22 x 22 cm
- ISBN : 9782841661596
- 48 pages
“Words never stop at frontiers. Here, words from Arabic reappear in Spanish and in French, to bring you a startling story… The bewildering story find answers in Hassan Musa’s mixed-technic illustrations.”
Back in 2002, I worked with my publisher GRANDIR to create MON PREMIER CHARABIA FRANÇAIS-ESPAGNOL VRAIMENT EN ARABE (My First Gobbledygook in French-Spanish really in Arabic). A picture book project to bring forward the strong connections between three languages with a shared history: French, Spanish, and Arabic.
The original idea behind the book MON PREMIER CHARABIA […] was inspired after discovering the book L’AMIRAL DES MOTS (Pierre Aronéanu, Syros & @Ed. Alternatives, 1986). Later, I also discovered L’AVENTURE DES MOTS FRANÇAIS VENUS D’AILLEURS (Henriette Walter, @Ed. Robert Laffont, 1997) which tells the story of foreign words which « gave its colour » to the French language.
One can identify the Arabic origine of many of the French words by the presence of the syllabe « al- » at the beginning of the word. This « al » is the Arabic article ( « the ») such as: alcool, alcôve, alezan, algèbre, etc. Sometimes, the article « al » almost disappears such as in « al karchouf » which gave the work « artichaut » in French (artichoke). In the case of the word « amiral » (admiral), the article is at the end because part of the original Arabic word « amir al bahr », literally « the prince of the sea », disappeared for unknown reasons.
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Melissa (verified owner) –
Exquisite. Charming.