Gallery of African Art, London | October 2018

The Gallery of African Art (GAFRA) in London presented my solo exhibition THE CHICKEN CONSPIRACY, and showcasing some of my most recent  paintings and calligraphies.

"The ‘Chicken Conspiracy’ of the exhibition title and the name of one of the recent paintings exhibited on fabric, symbolises the struggles of artists of Musa’s generation as they came to grips with the assimilation of Africa’s local and regional cultural diversities into a new genre of Western-imposed and market-driven global African art. In “Le Complot des Poules, (2018), the economically disadvantaged and their artistic brethren are depicted as chickens controlled by the standards of the global marketplace and quest for the almighty Dollar." -- Africainwords -- Full article here:

"The video above was filmed at Gallery of African Art in Mayfair, London where French based Sudanese image creator Hassan Musa was exhibited till 24 November 2018". A wonderful video interview by