Trésors de l'islam en afrique
L'INSTITUT DU MONDE ARABE (IMA), Paris (France) · 2017
"From Dakar to Zanzibar, from Timbuktu to Harar, the Arab World Institute celebrates societies enriched by thirteen centuries of cultural and spiritual exchanges with the Maghreb and the Middle East. Archaeology, architecture, intangible heritage, contemporary art...: a first-of-its-kind exhibition, bringing together nearly 300 multidisciplinary works across 1,100 square meters, showcasing the artistic and cultural wealth of Islamic practice in sub-Saharan Africa.
Throughout the exhibition, contemporary art takes center stage to explore the history of these exchanges. Major artists, including Rachid Koraïchi, Hassan Musa, Abdoulaye Konaté, Youssef Limoud, and Aïda Muluneh, highlight the vibrant energy of the current African art scene."
- Press release announcing the exhibition (Courtesy of the Institut du Monde Arabe)

Photographies courtesy of the Galerie Maïa Muller