Galerie Maïa Muler, Paris (France) · Sept. 2 to Oct. 7, 2017

"François Jullien asks the question: "How do we translate the ‘universal’, when we leave Europe? And from that, that this requirement of the universal, which we had comfortably placed in the credo of our convictions, based on obvious facts, finally becomes salient, that it emerges in our eyes from its banality; that it appears inventive, audacious and even adventurous.”1 Hassan Musa refuses the uniformity that jeopardizes difference and that which we might collectively call "the Other". In this sense, the paintings on fabrics stage a questioning of the obvious facts by proceeding with a syncretism of myths: heroes and heroines be they ancient, biblical, artistic, media... What is a hero(ine)? Who builds the representation? For whom and why? The artist confronts the heroes and the anti-heroes to undermine a Manichean and smoothing view established by the West. For universalism, he chooses the notion of common, "that which is shared"2. The common does not reduce culture to a single uniform, on the contrary it forms a space where differences coexist, meet and interact. Hassan Musa makes visible the common by sewing – the joining of the different – but also by the physical and pictorial dialogue of what is usually put in opposition."

- Excerpt of the foreword of the exhibition NAGE ICARE, Julie Crenn (September 2017)  - Courtesy of the Galerie Maïa Muller
